Monday, 19 April 2010

Thriller Movie Group Questionnaire

Target Audience


1) What thriller sub genre are you most drawn to?
Psychological thriller - 12
Horror thriller - 5
Action thriller - 2
Sci-Fi thriller - 1
Religous Thriller - 2
Crime Thriller - 4
Drama Thriller - 1
Political Thriller - 1
Spy Thriller - 2

2) What do you like about the thriller genre?
Confusion - 3
Mystery - 4
Suspense - 6
Compelling Characters - 13
Hero vs. Villain - 4

3) Out of the choices, who is your favourite thriller director?
Martin Scorsese - 4
Alfred Hitchcock - 8
Steven Speilberrg - 5
Quentin Tarantino - 2
David Fincher - 4
M.Night Shyamlan - 7

4) What makes thrillers appeal to you?
Challenging Storyline - 9
Actors/Actresses - 3
Directors - 4
Interesting Title - 6
Suprising Twists - 8

5) How important are props costume and makeup in a film?
Very Important - 14
Important - 11
Fairly Important - 5
Unimportant - 0

6) What is the most important element in a thriller?
Setting - 8
Acting - 3
Special Effects - 4
Props/Costume - 6
Plot - 9

7) For you what builds up suspeense in a film?
Music - 6
Lighting - 6
Sounds - 6
Camera Angles - 8
Pace - 4

8) Should the story of a film unfold quickly or slowly?
Quickly - 23
Slowly - 7

9) How do you think the opening of the thriller should open?
Chase Scene - 3
Everyday Life - 6
Flashback - 12
Flashforward - 5
Present Time - 4

10) In the opening of the thriller, how much of the plot should be revealed?
As much as possible - 3
As little as possible - 16
None at all - 11